Disrupt #5, Bk3, 34, 3, 1

Artist: Graham Bennett
Price: NZD3750 ea (group POA)
Medium: recycled kauri or totara, pine, steel, black acrylic paint
Dimensions: 940x200x30mm ea
Date: 2021, 2024 (black)

The axes are available as a grouping or individually. Left to right, #5, #Bk3, 34, 31, 1 #34 (centre work) is sold.

The initial idea for 'Disrupt', Bennett's latest installation, came from Allen Curnow's verse tragedy, 'The Axe'. An analogy for the colonisation of New Zealand, Curnow located his narrative of destruction on the island of Mangaia in the Cook Islands. The axe is a metaphor for the disruptions brought about by the metal technology and religious ideas of Europeans who arrived in the Pacific. Now, there is another colonisation impact looming - that of AI, Artificial Intelligence, and the changes that will bring.

Further work by this artist