Climate of Change

Eight significant NZ artists challenge us, to look and think again…

John Walsh, Graham Bennett, Nigel Brown, Gerda Leenards, Wayne Seyb, Bing Dawe, Christine Gregory, James Robinson
5-23 October 2023

Preview: 4 October 5.30pm

Climate of Change 2023 needs little elaboration, few words. These paintings and sculptures by prominent NZ artists deliver an uncompromising challenge, questions surely we can no longer turn away from.
Many of our artists at The Diversion have traversed this tough territory for years - decades, even - urging us to think hard about sustainability and the impact of our every decision on the planet. Often, they seem voices in the wilderness, but suddenly, their questions are mainstream, we look back and see they were ahead of their time... (more details below images)...

Is there time to redress the balance? That’s at the heart of these new and recent works by some of New Zealand’s leading contemporary artists. Is there still hope, if the voice can be heard?

Come and see for yourself. Be prepared to be challenged – and to be beguiled by beauty in the midst of chaos. These are important works – of art, and of conscience.